Deutsche Tageszeitung - What remains of the EU leader's visit to Kiev?

What remains of the EU leader's visit to Kiev?

Russia is a nefarious terrorist state that has invaded its neighbour, Ukraine, out of pure imperialist greed, murdered the Ukrainian civilian population, committed war crimes (rapes, murders, robberies, extortion and many other atrocities), so international observers are right to ask: "What remains of the visit of the President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, to Kiev, apart from fine words and stupid slogans?"

The states of the European Union (EU) are hopelessly divided, Hungary is behaving like a totalitarian regime as a "friend of Russia" with its Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and Robert Fico, who is no better than Viktor Orbán, has recently taken over in Slovakia!

To this day, there is no general EU embargo against the Russian terror state and its war criminal, the Russian dictator Vladimir Putin (71), who hides like a cowardly rat in his Russian bunker and meanwhile whips thousands of Russian soldiers to the Ukrainian front like the mass murderer Josef Stalin, nor is the military support of the great European Union for Ukraine so great, that Russia has to fear defeat in Ukraine, from the full-bodied, completely empty speeches of German Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) to the Russian lickspittle Viktor Orbán, so what does Ursula von der Leyen leave behind in Ukraine, apart from a nice smile to the Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyi, who is begging for help around the clock?

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