Deutsche Tageszeitung - Gaza: Hamas terrorists responsible for expulsion

Gaza: Hamas terrorists responsible for expulsion

More than 1.5 million of Gaza's residents have been uprooted from their homes according to UN:
The bestial Hamas terrorists are responsible, but instead of the world community using military force to eradicate this Islamic terror together, Israel is loudly called upon to show restraint!

According to the UN, more than half the population of the Gaza Strip has been driven from their homes.

Conclusion of the shameful double standards of the Arab world:
But anyone who believes that the Arab states would want to take in the "refugees" from the Gaza Strip is mistaken, nobody wants to risk bestial Hamas terrorists coming as "refugees", the "love" of all Islamists and "friends of Palestine" does not go that far, instead the Arab world shouts "Allah Hu Akbar" at the top of its voice from a safe distance, from which you can recognise the oh so "God-fearing" cynicism of the Syrians, Egyptians of other Arab states, freely according to the motto: "rather shout Allah HU Akbar" instead of helping and taking in refugees from the Gaza Strip. ..!

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