Deutsche Tageszeitung - BRAVO: This is how the Russian scum in Ukraine ends!

BRAVO: This is how the Russian scum in Ukraine ends!

So endet der russische Abschaum in der Ukraine!

This is how the Russian scum in Ukraine ends!

Ainsi finit la racaille russe en Ukraine!

¡Así acaba la escoria rusa en Ucrania!


Det er sådan, det russiske afskum i Ukraine ender!

Ecco come finisce la feccia russa in Ucraina!

Ось так закінчується російська наволоч в Україні!

Takhle končí ruská verbež na Ukrajině!

É assim que termina a escumalha russa na Ucrânia!

이것이 우크라이나의 러시아 쓰레기가 끝나는 방법입니다!

Nii lõpeb venelaste saast Ukrainas!

Näin loppuu venäläisen roskaväen toiminta Ukrainassa!

Zo eindigt het Russische gespuis in Oekraïne!

Έτσι τελειώνουν τα ρωσικά αποβράσματα στην Ουκρανία!

Tak się kończy rosyjska szumowina na Ukrainie!

Lūk, kā beigsies krievu blēži Ukrainā!

Beginilah akhir dari sampah Rusia di Ukraina!


Štai kaip baigiasi rusų niekšai Ukrainoje!

Det er slik det russiske avskummet i Ukraina ender!

Detta är hur det ryska avskummet i Ukraina slutar!

Takto končí ruská spodina na Ukrajine!

Așa se termină gunoaiele rusești din Ucraina!

Tako se konča ruska lopovščina v Ukrajini!

Ukrayna'daki Rus pisliği işte böyle biter!

Így ér véget az orosz söpredék Ukrajnában!

Вот чем заканчивается русская мразь в Украине!

Fear of further massacres of Ukrainian civilians as Russian terrorist troops withdraw

Fear of further massacres of Ukrainian civilians as Russian terrorist troops withdraw

Ukraine war: Explosions heard in Odesa as Russia appears to shift focus south and east

Ukraine war: Explosions heard in Odesa as Russia appears to shift focus south and east

Nuclear bunkers for all: Switzerland is ready as international tensions mount

Nuclear bunkers for all: Switzerland is ready as international tensions mount

EU countries work to help Ukrainian refugees adapt to new lives

EU countries work to help Ukrainian refugees adapt to new lives

Ukrainian president Zelenskyy makes powerful speech at Grammys 2022

Ukrainian president Zelenskyy makes powerful speech at Grammys 2022

Ukrainian Hero President Zelenskyj: Peace is more valuable than dirty Russian diamonds or dirty Russian oil - both smell of Ukrainian children's blood

Ukrainian Hero President Zelenskyj: Peace is more valuable than dirty Russian diamonds or dirty Russian oil - both smell of Ukrainian children's blood

Estonia bans Russian symbols and that's good - because Russia and all Russians should be reminded of the Russian terror war in Ukraine decades from now!

Estonia bans Russian symbols and that's good - because Russia and all Russians should be reminded of the Russian terror war in Ukraine decades from now!

Смертная казнь для российского военного преступника и массового убийцы Путина - Тот, кто видит это видео, знает, что Путин и все его подручные, вплоть до последнего солдата, больше не имеют права на жизнь!

Смертная казнь для российского военного преступника и массового убийцы Путина - Тот, кто видит это видео, знает, что Путин и все его подручные, вплоть до последнего солдата, больше не имеют права на жизнь!

Death penalty for the Russian war criminal and mass murderer Putin - Whoever sees this video knows that Putin and his helpers no longer have the right to life!

Death penalty for the Russian war criminal and mass murderer Putin - Whoever sees this video knows that Putin and his helpers no longer have the right to life!

Russian war crime in Ukraine war: '5,000 dead' in Mariupol since war began, evacuations suspended

Russian war crime in Ukraine war: '5,000 dead' in Mariupol since war began, evacuations suspended

Negotiations at the Turkish dictator Erdogan: Russia and Ukraine try to agree...

Negotiations at the Turkish dictator Erdogan: Russia and Ukraine try to agree...

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addresses the Danish Parliament

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy addresses the Danish Parliament